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(Above) ArchBishop's Official 2024 Induction Photo for the National Coalition of 100 Black Women of PA Chapter..  Septermber 21, 2024, and (right) Rep. Mike Harris (D-195) and the renown Dr. James Hall, Triumph Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA.

(Above) ArchBishop speaking with Former Congressman jessie Jackson, Jr, and (Right) 

 Guest Book 

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Name: Matthew Beach
Date: 03/21/2011
Message: Greetings! Blessings!! and a whole wealth of Gods love!!!

Name: Ernest Bloodsaw, TSgt, USAFR
Date: 03/21/2011
Message: Bishop Palmer, i pray that GOD will continual to Bless you and your ministrie.

Name: Paulette D. Lee
Date: 03/09/2011
Message: Bishop...It is ALWAYS a pleasure to see you!! Continue to do what you do best!! See you soon!! GOD BLESS!!!

Name: Sharlayne Prince
Date: 03/09/2011
Message: Praying that God continues to use you for His Glory..God bless you!!!

Name: Minister Jo Bryant
Date: 03/09/2011
Message: Bishop! It is great to see that God continues to bless you and expand your territories beyond what you can imagine. Praying that God will continue to use you for His glory. May God continue to bless you and use you for His work, is my prayer for you.

Name: Robyn Brooker
Date: 03/08/2011
Message: Hey darlin'! Enjoyed hangin' with you guys these last weeks! Love ya much! Be abundantly blessed and used, my sister!

Name: Evangelist Yvonne Peterson
Date: 03/07/2011
Message: Bishop Palmer, God has truly anointed, apPointed and ordained you for such a time as this...keep moving forward. Love ya, Evang Yvonne Peterson

Name: Mom Sheila Green@Destiny Worship Ctr.
Date: 03/06/2011
Message: enjoy the broadcast and you are such a blessing to the body of Christ.Thanks for going above and beyond the call of duty informing us many issues the church shys away from! Be Blessed!

Name: Your Daughter:)
Date: 02/14/2011
Message: Just wanted to stop by and show u some love and let you know that I am proud of you!

Name: Bishop Otha Bell
Date: 02/11/2011
Message: Praise the Lord! Bishop, it rejoices my heart to see you launch such a much needed and timely ministry to the Body of Christ and in the Greater Philadelphia area. Since our days of prison ministry together and since attending your father's school of evangelism I have always known that you would have a ministry of excellence. May the LORD God continue to bless, keep and empower you afresh and anew every morning!



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